Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

6. Honour Your Doctor

Doctor Who Gallifrey Returns Although judging the new Doctor seems like a pretty good idea at first, it does not fill the "Satan€™s Pit" that your Doctor left behind. At one point, you are bound to miss him and spend a vast amount of time wondering, €œIt€™s not him, it€™s me.€ Think of this as a fire meets fire kind of phase and you€™re good to go. In other words: watch every episode or gif -except Doomsday, because really, there€™s no way you can ever come to terms with that - and read every article on the internet that reminds you of the unforgettable moments shared your Doctor. Heck, even watch all of the regenerations one after the other if that€™s what conciliates your nerves. While you€™re at it, don€™t shy away from sleeping with your TARDIS alarm clock on or messing about with your MANY Sonic Screwdrivers just because €œit€™s not the same anymore€. Most importantly, don€™t ever refrain from quoting the Doctor to whoever you meet. Chances are, you might not be alone in this... even though your Doctor has left you to fend for yourself. Remind yourself of the good old days and that this, too, shall pass. If it doesn't... oh, it will.

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