Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

3. Companion In Crime

So what if your Doctor left you to deal with this mess on your own? At least your beloved companion hasn€™t. You€™re still left with the wonderful person through whom you vicariously live all the adventures while continuing to remain in the comfort of your own home, though the TARDIS would definitely be more comfortable. Despite the revulsion of the new Doctor seeping through your veins, his companion is what keeps you on edge. You attempt to seek solace in the comforts of the companion€”someone who shares the same fate, if not the same pain, as you. Their presence is what assures you that things aren€™t all different and remind you of the fact that there have also been companions who have had to meet a new Doctor after YEARS of finishing their travels, and have not only greeted The Doctor affectionately, but have managed to partake in an adventure with him for old times€™ sake. No matter what judgments they hold against him, they€™ve still got to travel with the Doctor and can€™t really turn off the television and stay mad at the ill-fated turn of events like you can. Those are some of the significant thoughts that will guide you to the end of the €œTunnel of Grief€, if you€™ve been able to survive the journey so far.

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