Doctor Who: 9 Worst Things The Master Has Ever Done

4. Various - Identity Fraud

Doctor Who Missy The Master Death in Heaven

This one sounds like a joke, but go with it. A common trope of the Masters is his penchant for using the body/faces of others in order to disguise themselves.

The Master's most iconic weapon is his TCE, or Tissue Compression Eliminator, a device he uses to turn those unlucky enough to come across it into basically minuscule dolls. Not the nicest ways to go. However the horror doesn't stop there. More often then not, the Master assumes the identity of those he's shrunk. This dates back to his debut in Terror of the Autons.

The most recent example of the Master's escapades involving identity theft was during the shock reveal of their return in the Series 12 opener Spyfall. In the episode, to make his return, the Master shrunk spy O and joined the Doctor and Co for the duration of the first episode, hiding in plain sight.

But, the most notable time the Master stole someone else's body was when he occupied that of 80s companion Nyssa's father, Tremas. For the entirety of the 80s era, the Master wore this face, and when encountering Nyssa, it was like an insult to all she had lost. Witness the moment below:

The Master's cruelty can know no bounds sometimes.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe