Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

7. Boy Needs Girl

4 When the Doctor arrived on her doorstep, Clara€™s life had a plan. She was preparing to leave her nanny job to go out into the world and start traveling. When the Doctor arrived on her doorstep, he had absolutely no plan. The only solution he had been able to come up with to solve her mystery was to dress up like a monk in 1207. He was Pond-less and at complete loose ends. What would he have done if she had turned his offer down? Seriously, what? 5 The Doctor needed Clara a lot more than she needed him. It was a basic fact of their relationship from the word go. Clara is a smart girl, and she understood this right away: the Doctor would always know more than her, but his need to have her "come away with him" gave her the upper hand emotionally. Clara walked into the Tardis with something very few people have ever had: emotional security about the Doctor. There was no risk that the Doctor would ditch her, would drop her home and never come back. And this security, combined with her own understanding of their relationship, repeatedly gave her the ability to see through the Doctor€™s obfuscations from day one. 6 What is the point of all this re-hashing? This: if Clara and the Doctor are in love, which the evidence suggests they are, the Doctor is more in love with Clara than she is with him.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at