Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

6. Progression Over Time

7 Like I said earlier: this last season of Doctor Who should be a model for how to subtly build a romantic relationship between two characters. Their first adventure out is defined by a decision that is framed as an act of love. When Clara goes back for the Doctor, it is because she remembered what her mother told her about always coming for her. Going to find someone is, for a woman who was once a girl terrified of being lost, the most important proof of love. After that, Clara and the Doctor obviously became closer. That€™s part and parcel of being on the Tardis. But there are limits to what friends say and do, and the Doctor knew he€™d crossed one when he did this: 8 But two episodes later, he€™s doing the exact same thing: 10 Only he€™s not pulling back and apologizing anymore. Clara€™s in danger? Even early on, the Doctor does this: 11 A few episodes later, he seeing her being transformed into waxwork results in this expression: 12 And reacting in a rather uncharacteristically violent manner: 13 When the Doctor was in danger and needed saving, Clara tried to run into a wormhole: 14 Twice. 15 It was a very bad plan, and thank god cooler heads prevailed. Instead, she bullied the Tardis into a semi-suicide mission. If that€™s not Doctor-ey kind of stupid, I don€™t know what is. By the penultimate episode, Mr. Clever is asking about why Clara is showing up in the Doctor's mind so much. When Clara challenges him to tell her something only the Doctor would know, he responds with sappy romantic stuff. closes his eyes Mr. Clever is clever: why would he think that was going to fool anyone? Imagine if he€™d tried that on Amy, or Donna! But whatever he found in the Doctor€™s head was enough to convince him that kissing would work. Not only that, but the Doctor had to ask how Clara knew it wasn€™t him. Add it up, and it points to a big-time crush. This was followed by one of the funnier bits ever on the show, as whomever the writer was (I doubt I€™m the only one who suspects a mischievous Moffat) added a scene apparently designed to show us that the Doctor is a boy. Musing about Clara, the Doctor calls her €œa mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt that€™s just a little€too€tight.€ This is followed by a big, goofy grin. 16 The whole thing apparently scares the living daylights out of the Doctor, completely scandalizing him. 17 I€™ll miss Matt Smith and his funny moments.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at