Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

2. The Impossible Girl And The Clever Boy

37 €œThe Name of the Doctor€ basically sealed the deal on this question for me. First there was the conference call, in which the Doctor€™s dead wife and current companion were referred to as €œthe women€ by Madame Vastra. When Vastra tried to introduce Clara, she ended up stumbling over her own tongue and turning a darker shade of green. 33 Keep in mind that, the last time we saw River, she urged the Doctor to find a new full-time companion. So, why exactly is she making this face? 34 Clara finds the whole thing bemusing, because apparently the Doctor forgot to mention the whole €œdead wife€ thing (to her or us). Not only that, but somehow Clara ended up with the impression that €œProfessor Song€ was a man. 35 Later, Clara asks the Doctor who River was, referring to her as €œthe lady with the funny name and the space hair.€ When the Doctor says €œyes an ex,€ Clara makes this face, so quickly you probably missed it: react 1 So, Clara, how€™s that €œdon€™t fall in love€ plan working out? Fast forward to the inside of the Doctor€™s tomb. Clara freaks out about the Doctor€™s crisis way more than his other friends 36 And proceeds to jump into the Doctor€™s time stream, knowing it€™ll kill her, without any hope of rescue. She goes knowing that she€™ll die not just once but many, many times. He literally begs her not to, shouting her name as she walks further away, and again even after she's gone. But she decides to do it anyway, because it€™s the only way to save the Doctor. If that€™s not an act of love, I don€™t know what is. And even though it€™s both impossible and unbelievably stupid, the Doctor goes after her. He says an (apparently) final goodbye to his wife, and goes to get Clara, (her advantage over the Great Intelligence being €œshe€™s got me€) whom he€™s suddenly taken to calling €œmy impossible girl.€

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at