Doctor Who: Are The 11th Doctor And Clara Oswald in Love?

3. The Prequel

Clara €œThe Name of the Doctor€ had a three-minute long prequel in which Clara and the Doctor rattled off internal monologues. They mused about what they€™d been doing together for the last few months, and teased Trenzalore. Most importantly, they highlighted how little they really knew about each other. Particularly important to all this article's lovey-dovey stuff are two pieces of dialogue. Clara is musing about why the Doctor is wonderful, and she says that €œthe trick is, don€™t fall in love. I do that trick quite a lot, sometimes twice a day.€ Why would she be doing that? Because she€™s tempted to fall in love. The possibility of love is dangling in front of her, but unlike the Doctor€™s previous love interests, Clara€™s too smart to take it. Or at least, that€™s the story she€™s told herself€”given the events of €œThe Name of the Doctor,€ permit me some doubt. TheDoctorPrequel3 In the prequel€™s second half, the Doctor says of Clara €œwe€™ve been running together and she€™s perfect. Perfect in every way for me€Clara. My Clara. Always brave, always funny, always exactly what I need. Perfect. Too perfect.€ TheDoctorPrequel4 Yeah, nobody€™s perfect, Doc. We think people are perfect when we€™re in love with them.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at