Doctor Who: Best Episode Of Every Series

7. Series 6: A Good Man Goes To War

The Lost Dimension Doctor Who

Honourable Mentions: The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon, The Doctor’s Wife, The Girl Who Waited

Series 6 was split into two halves and while the second part flattered to deceive, the first part is awesome, culminating in a thrilling finale.

With Amy and her new-born Melody being held captive in Demons Run prison, the Eleventh Doctor and Rory assemble a team of friends and foes, to rescue the pair and defeat The Silence.

Remembered by most fans for being the episode that revealed River Song’s true identity as Melody Pond, A Good Man Goes To War is so much more than that amazing reveal.

The first half of the episode is very exciting, with an Avengers-like team-up of characters new and old, including the first appearance of fan-favourites Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Rory the Roman gets a chance to be a complete badass, blowing up Cyber-fleets en-route to recusing his wife and child and Smith delivers yet another fantastic Doctor line: “Amelia Pond! Grab your coat!”

But what goes up must come down, as the tension ramps up and the Doctor and co. suffer a devastating defeat before the big twist that changed everything

This was the time when Doctor Who was becoming a blockbuster show, airing to large audiences around the world. This episode is a perfect embodiment of that blockbuster spirit. A real action-adventure with meaningful stakes and emotionally charged characters.

Also, the Headless Monks are delightfully creepy. Shame we didn’t see more of them.

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22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.