Doctor Who: Best Episode Of Every Series

6. Series 7: The Name Of The Doctor

The Lost Dimension Doctor Who
BBC Studios

Honourable Mentions: Asylum Of The Daleks, The Power Of Three, The Bells Of Saint John

Series 7 is arguably the worst of the revival era. Split into two distinctive parts, it feels disjointed, rushed at times and of course there’s the small matter of one Clara Oswald.

It also doesn’t have that many standout episodes that are worth revisiting unlike previous series. The one exception being the finale, The Name Of The Doctor.

Forced to travel to Trenzalore, the planet of his burial site, the Eleventh Doctor must face off against the Great Intelligence, masterfully portrayed by Richard E. Grant, before confronting his deepest, darkest secret.

Unlike most finales that double down on the action, this episode refrains from laser fights and explosions, focusing instead on building tension, as the answers to the questions the series had been asking are finally revealed. While we thankfully don’t learn the Doctor’s actual name, the mystery surrounding Clara, aka ‘The Impossible Girl’, comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Easily the best moment of the entire series follows however, with the twist that there was another incarnation of The Doctor that fought in the Time War, played by none other than the late great Sir John Hurt. It was cliff hanger that completely blew the minds of everyone watching and set up the awe-inspiring 50th Anniversary Special, The Day Of The Doctor.

Let’s not also forget this episode’s great inclusions of River Song, The Paternoster gang and the Whisper Men but to be honest, the War Doctor’s revelation is what makes this episode the best of Series 7.

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22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.