Doctor Who Big Finish: Complete Dalek Universe Review
The Tenth Doctor has been through the Dalek Universe at Big Finish, but how was the journey?

Last month, Big Finish's latest Doctor Who series came to an end with the release of Dalek Universe 3. The series saw the return of David Tennant to his first full series since retiring from the part in 2010. Joining Tennant in the usual companion roles are Jane Slavin as Anya Kingdom and Joe Sims as Mark Seven, members of the Space Security Service.
The synopsis reads:
Time has gone awry. The Doctor is lost, without his TARDIS. But he’s not alone. The Space Security Service agents Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven haven’t always been on his side in the past, but now they are here to help him.
And he’s going to need them - because the oldest foes of all are waiting to strike. Ready to take down their greatest enemy...
Surely that's already got you gripped? Need a little more convincing? Well this series features more Terry Nation creations than just the Daleks. The series also features Varga, Mechonoids, Movellans... and Davros. This is set to be one hell of a ride.
This is big. Lets jump into Big Finish's Doctor Who Dalek Universe. Your writer is trying to stay relatively spoiler free for the series, but tread with caution...
11. The Dalek Protocol

The Dalek Universe kicks off with a prequel, the Dalek Protocol. The release stars the Fourth Doctor and Leela returning to the city of the Exxilons from 1974's Death to the Daleks. But this is much more than a nostalgia trip back to an underrated Pertwee adventure.
The Dalek Protocol juggles a lot of factors at once. Firstly it acts as a sequel, even bringing back stand-out character Bellal. This is also a sequel in another respect to the the Fourth Doctor's Eighth series of Big Finish adventures, in which he travels with Anya Kingdom, who at the time he believes to be a woman called Ann Kelso. However, by this story, she has been left behind by the Doctor, and he is yet to travel with her.
But more importantly to most fans, this is a prequel to the upcoming Dalek Universe. Whilst it is packed with action, drama and a mysterious Dalek plot, the story already starts shaping and building our two new lead characters. With Anya having to keep to the shadows due to her future connections with the Doctor, the story gives Mark Seven time to shine with the Doctor, whilst the story really dives into post-TARDIS life with Leela and Anya.
Whilst this story is not essential, it will easily enhance your Dalek Universe experience, and give you a fuller connection to the series two other leads, Anya and Mark. Strong start to the action of the Dalek Universe, unexpectedly touching on what happens to the Doctor's companions once he's gone
Rating: 8/10