Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best
38. Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS
From the description, this episode sounded incredible. It promised a never before look inside one of the most mysterious and fascinating spaceships in science fiction. However, what we actually got was loads of identical looking corridors, a rather generic library and a tree covered in bulbs.
The adventure that follows is one of the blandest of Matt Smith’s tenure. In a nutshell, soldiers invade the TARDIS and greedily attempt to steal pieces from it which results in their downfall. Having said this, the zombie-like creatures that follow the team through the numerous corridors are filmed brilliantly with shaky-cam and are truly the stuff of nightmares.
Perhaps the lesson learned from this episode is that less is more and in the future the only part of the TARDIS we should see is the control room.