Doctor Who: Every 11th Doctor Episode Ranked Worse To Best

34. The Curse Of The Black Spot

Doctor Who Matt Smith

When the most memorable thing about an episode of Doctor Who is Hugh Bonneville's impressive beard you know it must have been dire. As part of Moffat's manifesto to tick off all the different genres he can, season six sees the Doctor aboard a pirate ship.

While the production design is incredible with the pirate's ship looking like it belongs in Pirates of the Caribbean, it is clear the episode ran out of budget building it as we are kept on the ship for the whole episode. Bonneville tries his best to be a merciless pirate but even with the beard you never quite buy that the ex-Downton Abbey star is the daring Captain of the ship.

The Siren, the episode's villain in the shape of a floating blue Lily Cole, may go down as the season's weakest villain as she snarls her way through the story bathed in a green light. And if the episode hadn't infuriated enough people, we get the inevitable 'Rory death' tagged on in the last five minutes only for him to be predictably resurrected again.

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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).