Doctor Who: Every Companion Ranked Worst To Best

2. Rose Tyler

Doctor Who Companions

As the first companion of the revived series, a lot was riding on the latest Doctor and companion in order to carry the series back to the popularity it had once known. Luckily, Russell T Davies and his production team hit the nail on the head the first time with the introduction of Rose Tyler.

Working in a department store, Rose was incredibly close to being killed by Autons when she first met the Ninth Doctor. After several dozen aliens invaded, monsters were battled and planets were visited, it seemed as if the Doctor and Rose were inseparable. A bond as close as theirs only made their parting that much more tragic, as Rose became trapped in a parallel universe whilst attempting to defeat Daleks and Cybermen at the same time, with the Doctor unable to use the TARDIS to find and rescue. And if your heart wasn't already shattered into thousands of irreparable shards, the wound was reopened two seasons later when Rose returned to aid the Doctor defeat Davros and his legion of Daleks, which she successfully did, but the end result was having her and the Doctor placed in the same situation as the first time round: on the same beach with only a fleeting amount of time to say their goodbyes before the two could never see each other again. This one television series is the reason that some of us have trust issues...

Having just come fresh from the Time War, the Doctor was hesitant to take on another companion so soon after what he experienced, a trauma evident in some of the earlier episodes of Series 1, but this did not stop the two from eventually becoming the definitive duo of New Who.

Engaging, amusing and intuitive, Rose made for an excellent introductory companion, and had it not been for the strength of her as a character, it's unlikely that Doctor Who would be were it is now.

And seriously, who didn't cry at the end of Doomsday?

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Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.