Doctor Who: Every Companion Ranked Worst To Best

1. Captain Jack Harkness

Doctor Who Companions
BBC Studios

Very few characters have won such popularity as quickly as Captain Jack Harkness. After featuring in the latter half of Series 1, Captain Jack quickly became another member of the TARDIS crew, and was often able to upstage the Doctor when it came to coordinating everyone and generally being the man of the hour. During the events of the Series 1 finale, Jack was killed by a Dalek, and then promptly resurrected by Rose wielding the energy of the TARDIS, with the added health benefit of immortality. A character trait that would prove quite useful.

Now that Jack was unable to die, the door was open for Jack to return to the series, which he did in the Series 3 and 4 finales, helping the Doctor to battle The Master and Davros, respectively. In the meantime, Jack was recruited into Torchwood, an organisation based in Cardiff that battled alien threats attacking Earth (essentially what Sarah-Jane was doing, but just government funded). Another great spin-off of Doctor Who, Torchwood ran parallel to Doctor Who for a number of years, and is currently being continued by Big Finish through a series of audio dramas featuring the original cast (not being paid to say this, but check them out anyway, they're brilliant).

As a character, jack was always the highlight of any episode of Doctor Who that he appeared in (and was consistently strong as the lead of Torchwood). A good balance between the comic relief and being a serious character, the creation of Captain Jack is a prime highlight from the new series of Doctor Who, and remains a fan-favourite character nearly 15 years after his introduction.

Amongst others, Jack is a companion that needs to return to the show, a sentiment that has been echoed for nearly a decade beyond this article. But it's probably high time for a number of characters on this list to make a comeback to Doctor Who.

So, BBC, get on that.

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Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.