Doctor Who: Every Companion Ranked Worst To Best

10. Rory Williams

Doctor Who Companions

The ever-suffering fiance of one Amy Pond, Rory Williams was set up to the Mickey Smith of the Eleventh Doctor's era. At home, he was ridiculed by Amy and the Doctor, before she left to travel in the TARDIS on her wedding night (eventually trying it on with the Doctor, boo!). When he was promoted to part-time companion, he was still called out often for his ineptness and general carelessness. Granted, trying to kill stab an alien/fish/vampire thing with a broom will invite that kind of scorn.

The situation only got worse during a trip to a Silurian city when Rory was erased from existence after his death (it is advised, ladies and gentlemen, to start keeping count of the many deaths of Rory Williams here). Luckily, this was rectified by the Doctor when he restarted the universe with a second Big Bang (a surprisingly average sentence for this show), and after a happy marriage to Amy, became a regular companion for the next few years.

Much like Mickey, Rory was fiercely loyal to his wife and was shown to be willing to go to great lengths to make sure she was safe. As if waiting for 2000 years by his wife's side whilst she was locked in the Pandorica was not a great enough test of strength, his finest moment was arguably the opening to the Series 6 episode "A Good Man Goes To War". Searching the universe for his pregnant wife, Rory became a full-on action hero when interrogating the Cyber Leader, decimating an entire Cyber-Legion to get his point across.

Tragically, Rory would eventually be zapped back in time by the touch of a Weeping Angel, swiftly joined by Amy when she couldn't bear to live the rest of her life without him. Together they grew old and died, having lived a full life together, thus giving a satisfying if heart-breaking conclusion to the life of Mr. Pond.

Nobody is still really sure if he was forced to wear the Centurion costume after he really needed to, but it completes the look.

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Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.