Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

A journey through The Doctor's defining seasons on television.

revelation of the daleks

As a fan of Doctor Who, it's always fun to conjure up new ranking systems. Whether it be who's your favourite Doctor? Who is the best companion? Which Dalek story is definitively the greatest? Maybe even which show-runner has held the most consistent tenure? The lists go on.

But one thing that's always fun to do is talk about each Doctor's eras. With every incarnation of The Doctor comes a brand new chapter within Doctor Who's long standing career on television. These tenures naturally define that particular Doctor, crafting both their onscreen character, and their overall journey through space and time.

Sometimes it's naturally hard to pick which Doctor is the best, let alone sifting through each individual era, and deciding upon a champion. However, every Doctor has that one season, that one golden egg within their chapter that simply stands out for one reason or another. Whether it be it's simply the best. That it holds your favourite story featuring that particular incarnation of The Doctor. Or perhaps it simply defines that Doctor. Either way, we'll be looking through Doctor Who's long history, and picking out The Doctor's definitive seasons.

DISCLOSURE: The Eighth Doctor has not been included on this list due to the fact he hasn't received a televised tenure. The Thirteenth Doctor will also not be included on this list as her era is still ongoing, and it would be unfair to pick a definitive series before we have seen her full tenure play out.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.