Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

The First Doctor: Season 2

Doctor Who William Hartnell First Doctor One Day I Shall Come Back

Season 2 was a great run, holding many stellar outings featuring the First Doctor. Also, Dennis Spooner's more family friendly take on the show, through his witty humour, and adventurous vibe, allowed the First Doctor to feel jolly in his portrayal, cementing himself as a loveable adventurer, with a heart of gold, and a caring nature (particularly as a grandfather figure).

Not only that, but there are two key serials in Season 2 that were both endearing, and rather personal to the First Doctor. Namely, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and The Chase. Both of these narratives featured the First Doctor's original companions departing from the TARDIS. Letting go of his granddaughter Susan was an emotional punch, and a hard pill for the First Doctor to swallow. But he knew deep down he had to let her go in order for Susan to find her way in the universe, without his interference.

Naturally, it was an even bigger blow when Ian and Barbara finally decided to part ways, having found a way to journey back to their own time. They were certainly grateful for their time on the TARDIS, despite their rocky start. This still remains one of the most integral companionships in The Doctor's life, as Ian and Barbara ultimately shaped the very characteristics we know and love today.

They turned him from being a mysterious, self-centred alien figure, into someone who understood the importance of humanity, and the need to help those in need. The First Doctor was deeply saddened by their departure, and would certainly come to miss them.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.