Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

The Third Doctor: Season 10

Doctor Who Frontier In Space Doctor Dalek Master

For the tenth anniversary of Doctor Who, Terrance Dicks and Barry Letts pulled out all the stops. Most importantly, they established the running tradition of The Doctor meeting his other incarnations during a time of crisis. This has easily become the quintessential method for celebrating milestones, whilst also being a genuinely fun experience for fans, as they get to see various Doctors come together for a massive reunion (as well as having some hilarious banters).

This led to the Third Doctor being freed from his exile, having spent three full seasons stranded mostly on Earth without the use of his TARDIS. His only off-world adventures at that point were forced assignments by the Time Lords. So the Third Doctor gets to spend three consecutive serials travelling the universe once again, and it's an exciting experience, allowing for some fresh storytelling away from the familiar UNIT style investigative mysteries.

We also received a spiritual successor to The Daleks' Master Plan through Frontier in Space, and Planet of the Daleks. These two serials formulated a twelve part epic, dealing with the Daleks' latest attempts to invade the galaxy. It even featured a brief alliance between The Master and the deranged pepper-pots. Although, sadly, this would be Roger Delgado's final appearance on the show before his untimely death.

Finally, one cannot forget the brilliant season finale, The Green Death, which acts as not only a great environmental story, but also just a damn good story in general. Giant mutated maggots, and a computer trying to control humanity. What could be better? Also, it established the fact that despite the Third Doctor being free now, he would always return home to UNIT HQ. Quite poetic really. And let's not forget about the emotional farewell scene between the Third Doctor and Jo. A truly definitive moment in The Doctor's life.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.