Doctor Who: Every Doctor's Definitive Seasons

The Fourth Doctor: Season 14

Doctor Who Talons of Weng Chiang

One could probably spend hours debating over the definitive season for Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor. In the end, one has to go with the crème de la crème, Season 14. Not only does it have some of the best adventures featured within the Golden Age of Doctor Who, but it's such a great send off for Philip Hinchcliffe, and Robert Holmes' partnership as show-runners. Plus, it saw the introduction of one of the best companions within the Whoniverse, i.e. Leela.

She was such a stark contrast from what came before, given she was a primitive savage who could not only defend herself, but also protect the Doctor as well. That, and it was really intriguing watching their unique dynamic as tutor and student, with the Fourth Doctor trying to educate Leela, whilst teaching her to be less aggressive. Season 14 also saw the saddening departure of long time companion, Sarah Jane Smith, a very important moment within the Doctor's life (one that would resurface in School Reunion).

The Deadly Assassin then sees a full re-establishing of the mythology on Gallifrey, whilst also reinventing The Master, who is now presented as a gothic monstrosity, hell bent on destroying both The Doctor, and the Time Lords. The Robots of Death acts as a thrilling whodunnit, within a claustrophobic setting. Sure, the title gives the game away, but it's still all very exciting, and the robot designs are stunning. Finally, The Talons of Weng-Chiang is an absolute gem, blending what made Robert Holmes' writing memorable, into one giant cocktail of twisted delights.

Honestly, it's such a good story, and one that I can personally watch over and over again. It's setting is used to perfection, creating a gritty, and cold atmosphere, as Weng Chiang stalks the streets, with The Doctor going full-on Sherlock Holmes in order to thwart his schemes through intellect, and cunning. And, of course, it introduced us to Jago and Litefoot. These three stories all showcase the greatness of the Hinchcliffe era, whilst being bloody good stories, that have cemented themselves as instant classics, whilst also defining the Fourth Doctor during the height of their popularity.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.