Doctor Who: Every Master Story In The New Series Ranked Worst To Best

2. The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords

Doctor Who The End Of Time The Master John Simm

Russell T Davies was fond of seeding in arc words throughout his Doctor Who series to set up for a big payoff in the finale. Series 1 had Bad Wolf, Series 2 had Torchwood. And Series 3 had Harold Saxon, which resulted in perhaps the biggest climax yet.

The Doctor, Martha, and Jack escape from Utopia back to 2007 and discover that the Master has become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, he’s planning to open a crack in time that will bring back murderous spheres from the future to massacre humanity and take over the world.

This is Simm’s Master as his maniacal best, clearly having the time of his life as he dances back and forth across the Valiant airship. Who could forget that sequence where he pushes around the Doctor in a wheelchair while lip-syncing to ‘I Can’t Decide’ by the Scissor Sisters?

Even some dodgy old man Doctor CGI and a cop-out ending involving the Doctor literally floating to victory can’t put the brakes on one of Russell T Davies’s best series finales.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.