Doctor Who: EVERY Modern Series Ranked Worst To Best

5. Series 3

Doctor Who Series 3 Tenth Doctor Martha Jones
BBC Studios

All together now: Martha Jones is criminally underrated. Freema Agyeman steals Series 3, though she did deserve a better arc than realising the Doctor is more interested in Rose!

This is a series that's often overlooked because of how good Series 4 is, but it’s actually not far behind in quality.

Smith And Jones and Gridlock are early doors classics, even if the rest of the front half is saddled with poor episodes like The Shakespeare Code, The Lazarus Experiment, and 42. The Dalek two-parter is weirdly hated despite being quite good, even if Dalek Sec does look a bit of a prat with his trainers and face tentacles. Still, it does something interesting with a foe that can often be a bit one-note.

Doctor Who Daleks in Manhattan Dalek Sec
BBC Studios

It’s in the back half that things really pick up though, with four 10/10s in a row in Human Nature/The Family Of Blood, Blink, and Utopia. Few other series can match such a feat.

Even the finale has a lot to love, despite the infamous 'Space Jesus' ending. Master stories generally have better material for the Doctor than Dalek stories, and both episodes are brimming with scenes that Tennant really sinks his teeth into.

Series 3 is top-tier, and deserves more credit than it gets!

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.