Doctor Who: EVERY Modern Series Ranked Worst To Best

4. Series 10

Doctor Who Series 3 Tenth Doctor Martha Jones
BBC Studios

Series 10 is Peter Capaldi’s greatest series. It may not be jam-packed with amazing stories, but in many ways, it feels like the quintessential series of Doctor Who – a perfect marriage of classic Who vibes, while retaining that modern take.

Capaldi puts in his most well-rounded Doctor performance here, as a version of Twelve who has softened into a gentle, humble soul after two series of character development. Pearl Mackie is fantastic, and Bill is a breath of fresh air – there’s no mystery surrounding her, no big shock reveal, she’s just an ordinary woman who’s curious about the universe.

The chemistry and humour between Capaldi and Mackie is top-notch, and the on-off inclusion of Matt Lucas works far better than it has any right to. We’d just come off the back of two emotionally intense series, and this trio was the antidote.

The stakes may be a tad lower than we're used to, but aside from a couple of stumbles towards the end with Empress Of Mars and The Eaters Of Light, this series doesn’t really have any bad episodes. The Pilot is a strong start that immediately endears us to Bill, Thin Ice is an overlooked story that gives our protagonists some great moments of reflection, and Oxygen is as tense as they come, uniquely leaving the Doctor with lasting consequences for his actions.

Doctor Who Oxygen Twelfth Doctor blind
BBC Studios

And then you’ve got the finale, World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls – one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time.

It feels like the culmination of the entire modern era. The show could've ended right there, and it would've been a perfect final note. A bleak one though – "just this once Rose, everybody dies!"

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Doctor Who
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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.