Doctor Who: EVERY Modern Series Ranked Worst To Best

13. Series 13

Doctor Who Series 3 Tenth Doctor Martha Jones

Flux was something a little bit different, and you have to give it points for that.

While the decision to run a six-part serial was borne out of necessity due to the pandemic, it gave us a chance for a wildly unique series. So it’s a shame that what we got was an absolute mess of ideas, with one or two high points.

The main story of Flux feels like Chris Chibnall playing with his toybox, never lingering on an idea long enough to make it work, with an overarching threat that is completely undersold and a resolution that frankly beggars belief (thank god for Di from Liverpool, or the universe would've been eaten up). It’s a series that, at its worst, is laugh-out-loud bad.

The editing and pacing is extremely choppy too, and almost feels as if it’s stitched together from whatever could be filmed – which honestly might be the case, given the circumstances.

It does have more merit than Series 11 however. The more standalone episodes War Of The Sontarans and Village Of The Angels are among the best of the era, and newly-introduced characters Dan the Wok-Fu Man and Professor Jericho are likewise Chibnall-era standouts.

And big up for Karvanista too!

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Doctor Who
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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.