Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best

118. Eknodine

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

Appear in: Amy's Choice.

These destitute aliens inhabited the elderly from Upper Leadworth's care home. But instead of living out a life of knitting and Countdown, they started disintegrating the rest of the villagers, including children, all because they were miffed about being kicked off their own world.

Incidentally, only in Doctor Who could you get pensioners smashing into a house with garden tools and equipment, and what tremendous fun those actors must've had while doing it.

We saw a glimpse of the Eknodines' true form when they emerged through the mature mob's mouths as a green eyestalk. Given all this was part of the Dream Lord's machinations, you'd expect nothing less than a nightmare for the Doctor, Amy, and Rory.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.