Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best
115. The Abzorbaloff
Appears in: Love & Monsters.
Possibly the most reviled character in Doctor Who history. It's easy to forget that Peter Kay actually plays a decent villain as the theatrical Victor Kennedy. There's a gradual build-up to his dastardly deeds: politely asking members of LINDA one-by-one to stay behind after their meetings, after which the camera cuts away each time to the sound of terrified screaming.
No wonder.
We're eventually confronted with Victor's true, graphically grotesque form: the Abzorbaloff, who then somewhat distressingly absorbs sweet Ursula into his sickeningly slimy body, which is where we also discover the fates of Bliss, Bridget, and Mr. Skinner - with poor Bliss ending up on one of the Abzorbaloff's arse cheeks!
All things considered, the creature from Clom would've worked better in Torchwood with its more adult themes, because there is genuine horror to be explored here.