Doctor Who: EVERY NuWho Villain And Monster Ranked Worst To Best

109. Kahler-Jex

Doctor Who villains
BBC Studios

Appears in: A Town Called Mercy.

Series 7's Wild West episode pitted two antagonists against each other - yet both weren't outright villains themselves.

First up, we have Kahler-Jex, a scientist who was part of a team that created a group of super-soldier cyborgs for the purpose of ending a nine-year war that his people were engaged in. The programme was a success: the war ended in less than a week. However, one soldier was damaged during battle, and didn't follow orders to decommission himself.

The character of Kahler-Jex is basically shoving a mirror up to the Doctor's very own devastating actions in the name of peace and sanity, and their scenes together made for the most engrossing parts of the story.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.