Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

1. Silence Of The Library/Forest Of The Dead

Doctor Who River Song

Is it cheating to rank this one so high? No, it's not. However you look at it, this two-parter was, and still is, amazing.

It was amazing when it was first televised back in 2008. The mystery, the drama, and the writing was all done to immaculate standards. Since that time, its brilliance has only increased because the foreshadowing is simply epic. Even though this is River's first TV appearance, you have the option to back-track and watch it after all the other River song eps, and drink in the numerous air-tight references to her tales gone by.

It shows River's story to be ultimately bittersweet and tragic, right up until the ending when The Doctor pulls one final rescue trick out the bag. Capaldi's Doctor gives her the gift of a sonic screwdriver, and Tennant's Doctor intuitively knows what to do with it. Wrap your head around that!

It gave River the send-off she deserved, which is a weird thing to say about a debut episode, and therein lies the beauty. It's a shame The Name of The Doctor had to botch the sense of closure. When she flicks that light switch at the end, tears roll. Amazing stuff.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at