Doctor Who: Every River Song Episode Ranked Worst To Best

2. The Angels Take Manhattan

Doctor Who River Song

As a goodbye adventure for Amy and Rory, this episode seemed a little rushed. In every other respect however, it was a great story and contained some of the nicest interactions between The Doctor and River Song in the show's history.

It was one of the few episodes where The Doctor and River were on an almost even footing, hitting a rare stage in their relationship where they knew each other inside out. For probably the first time, we saw them acting as a normal couple. During their on-screen time together, they exchanged witty banter, got into the odd quarrel, and ultimately displayed a great deal of mutual affection. They also demonstrated in numerous moments how they'd gotten used to the other half's quirks. For audiences, it was extremely rewarding.

After their emotional farewell with the Ponds, The Doctor and River found that they only had each other left, which put some bittersweet emphasis on their ill-fated marriage. Overall it was just great seeing them together with no mystery tagged alongside. It's a shame there weren't more episodes like this.

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