Doctor Who: Every Series Plot Thread Ranked Worst To Best

12. Missy

River Song Doctor Who

A new Doctor, a new series, and a strange lady with fruit in her hat...

Who was this new character who pranced around in a garden and exuded insincerity at every turn? For an entire series, this mystery had us vexed.

Missy's true identity was right under our nose, each time she popped up during the first Capaldi series. In hindsight, it may have been obvious that she was The Master all along, but her personality and Mary Poppins garb was so unlike the gimmick of John Simm, that the trickery worked.

There were two good things about this. The first was that the reveal was very slick, and the resulting shock on the 12th Doctor's face was one for the archives. The second was that Michelle Gomez played the part in exemplary fashion.

In essence, it was a good thread, but it was dropped within a rather jarring storyline of Cybermen invading Earth... again. It was no means the worst finale, but it wasn't the best either, so the Missy influence drowned a little in the midst of it.

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