Doctor Who: Every Series Plot Thread Ranked Worst To Best

10. Harold Saxon

River Song Doctor Who

Back in the Russell T Davis era, plot threads were a lot more simple to follow, and tended to come in easy to spot/digest doses. In David Tennant's first season, fans were gloating over their ability to pick out various Torchwood nods, so much so that they may have missed that sneaky newspaper headline pertaining to a certain Mr Saxon.

One season later, and that same name was cropping up thick and fast. We all had a fair inclination that it heralded a return of The Master, but the question was, "How exactly?" Turns out he'd been working his way through UK politics for quite some time, but from the Doctor's perspective, that would only transpire in the deep future when the freshly-regenerated villain stole and cannibalised the Doctor's own TARDIS.

It was yet another clever time-bending story from Russel T Davis, and was overall a neat trick for both fans and inexperienced sci-fi audiences to enjoy. The thread felt super fresh and ensured that The Master would turn out to be keeper.

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