Doctor Who: Every Series Plot Thread Ranked Worst To Best

9. The Crack

River Song Doctor Who

Matt Smith was a fresh face, ready and waiting for some new storylines, the first of which wasted no time in getting underway. Whilst still in the throes of post-regeneration madness, the 11th Doctor found a seemingly harmless crack in a child's bedroom wall. That same crack would appear just about everywhere for the next series, quickly branding itself as the first new mysterious Doctor Who thread...

...and the series finale reveals that it was exploding TARDIS energy, scattering itself across time and space. Yes? No?

Well, for a time, that seemed to be the full story, until Matt Smith's final episode, where the crack resurfaced and revealed itself to be the lifeline of the struggling-to-survive Time Lord race. Who knew that the crack convention, established right at the start of Matt Smith's tenure would eventually lead to his free pass for another, theoretically disallowed, regeneration?

All in all, the crack was a little anticlimactic during its first run, but they made good on it in the end.

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