Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
33. Deep Breath

It's always interesting to see how new incarnations respond to regeneration. Some, like Eleven, spring straight back into action and relish in discovering their new personality, while others, like Ten and Twelve, seem to require a little more cooking time and pass out shortly after changing.
And it's the Doctor wrestling with his new face that makes Deep Breath a gripping debut story for Peter Capaldi's Time Lord.
Twelve is entirely different to Eleven, and while that's a good thing, it is quite jarring at first – so it was smart of Moffat to make the Doctor feel jarred as well, with a touching cameo from Matt Smith to plead with Clara, and by extension the audience, to give this new Doctor a chance.
Throw in a T-Rex standing in the middle of Victorian London, the welcome return of the Paternoster Gang, the first appearance of Missy, and Moffat's pleasant knack for referencing previous stories with the return of the Clockwork Droids and the sister ship to the SS Madame de Pompadour, and while I clearly don't think Deep Breath is one of Moffat's greatest, I do enjoy quite a lot about it.