Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
42. The Caretaker

Co-written with Gareth Roberts, The Caretaker approaches the inevitable 'companion has a life beyond the TARDIS' scenario.
While it makes sense for the Doctor to feel a little jealous or even protective over Clara as she explores a new relationship with Danny, Twelve's overly aggressive and rude behaviour towards him actually harms the episode. The usual balance is rocked by the fact that viewers feel more inclined to side with the stranger rather than our familiar hero.
Pair this with the fact that the alien element of the episode comes secondary to the relationship drama, and when it does appear, it looks more like a toy robot from a mid 2000s Argos catalogue, and The Caretaker just doesn't hold up as one of Steven Moffat's finest offerings.
You probably even forgot he had a writing credit on this one, didn't you?