Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
41. Into The Dalek

Another co-written episode (this time with Phil Ford), Into the Dalek gets lost in the fold of all the great Dalek stories that have been released over the past 61 years.
The concept of being miniaturised and placed inside a Dalek's body is certainly an intriguing one, but this episode just felt as though it used too many ideas from other episodes... but not as well.
The miniaturisation concept was used in Moffat's own Let's Kill Hitler, as was the premise of "antibodies" attacking foreign bodies. The Doctor using his own memories to attack a monster was achieved far more poignantly in The Rings of Akhaten and, most obviously, the idea of a Dalek developing emotions and a conscience was explored far better in the Series 1 episode Dalek.
While it's always great to see the Daleks appear in Doctor Who, the fact that they're so iconic means that there's a lot more pressure on these stories to be standouts. Unfortunately, Into the Dalek just felt a bit too derivative for me, and not very memorable either.