Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
8. The Eleventh Hour

Steven Moffat and Matt Smith had major shoes to fill coming into Series 5, and The Eleventh Hour was under a lot of pressure to convince audiences that Doctor Who was still in safe hands. In this, it absolutely succeeded.
The shift in tone from the darker drama of David Tennant's final episodes to a more enchanting, playful vibe worked incredibly well, and proved that, just like the classic series, that the modern series could undergo significant changes both in front of and behind the camera, and continue to thrive.
Moffat added a breath of new life into Doctor Who right from the off, and the decision to introduce the Eleventh Doctor through the big bright eyes of young Amelia Pond instantly gave viewers a similar sense of wonder and awe for this new incarnation.
It accomplished the most important job of a post-regeneration episode – to get audiences onboard with the new Doctor – in record time. And the rest of the episode isn't half bad to boot!