Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
7. Heaven Sent

Heaven Sent is quite unlike anything Doctor Who has done before, or since. We've had Doctor-lite stories, we've had companion-lite stories, we've even had TARDIS-lite stories, but this episode strips everything back so that the Doctor is completely alone (well... almost) for the majority of the runtime.
The Groundhog Day structure is such a perfect Doctor Who device that it's bizarre it had never been done before. Accompanied by Murray Gold's sensational piece The Shepherd's Boy, Peter Capaldi delivers his magnum opus performance, while Steven Moffat's script lays out all the puzzle pieces at just the right times and at just the right cadence to keep you hooked.
When a show has been running for as long as this one has, it's important to experiment with new ideas and take a few risks. Sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn't. But when it does work, it shows what Doctor Who is capable of. Heaven Sent stands not only as a monument to Steven Moffat's brilliance as a writer, but as a display of the heights Doctor Who can reach when it's firing on all cylinders.