Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

You might notice a bit of a theme with the top three. As I just mentioned, Doctor Who is best when it's scary, and Moffat set the spooky bar pretty high right at the beginning of his Whoniverse journey.
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances are responsible for an entire generation of children being traumatised by the sight of a gas mask and an entire generation of British parents being irritated by said children running around muttering, "Are you my mummy?"
Moffat immediately demonstrates his knack for cooking up unique, layered, and memorable baddies, managing to deliver the most traumatising of monsters while also telling a story of kindness, love, and the need for nurture.
This story also introduced Captain Jack Harkness who livens up any episode he appears in, and as quickly became the norm for Moffat's stories, there's plenty of harmless innuendo for the adults to laugh at while their kids are hiding behind the sofa. It ticks every box for what makes an ideal Doctor Who story.