Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
3. Blink

Following the disappointment of Love & Monsters, the next Doctor-lite episode had a lot to prove and it's fair to say that Steven Moffat knocked it out of the park.
Doctor Who is at its best when it's scary, and Blink is very scary. The Weeping Angels are some of the most frightening and unique aliens in modern fiction, and experiencing their terror through the eyes of Sally and Larry, rather than the ever-confident Doctor, elevates that fear factor.
Carey Mulligan carries the episode so effortlessly that it's barely even noticeable that our main characters are absent. It's no wonder she was offered the chance to become a regular companion!
Along with the scares there's also a strange beauty to the episode. The rickety old house, Billy's life washing away in the span of a single rainstorm, Murray Gold's unusual and underrated soundscape, and the majesty of the Angels themselves – not to mention their mode of killing. The idea of being pulled back in time and living your life separated from everything and everyone you know and love is cruel, but as the Doctor observes, also somewhat kind. "The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely."
This fusion of horror and melancholy is utterly mesmerising, and stands Blink as one of the finest hours in the history of the show.