Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
36. The Name Of The Doctor

The Name of the Doctor had a lot of promise and managed to both deliver and disappoint at the same time.
The resolution to the mystery of Clara is satisfying – if slightly problematic for the show's continuity – and it's always great to see River Song return, but the high stakes of the Doctor's name being revealed never felt realistic when it was clear that the show was never going to actually answer the question.
I of course must mention that hilarious final moment between the Doctor and River, and the 'end' of River's chronological story. It was a clever way to allow us to see more of a post-library River, allowing her to return without compromising the emotion or finality of her sacrifice in Forest of the Dead.
And the bit where the Doctor kisses thin air in front of the Paternoster Gang gets a big laugh from me every single time!
As for the reveal of John Hurt as the War Doctor, it was genuinely shocking at the time and still remains powerful today. It's just a shame it wasn't attached to a more remarkable episode.