Doctor Who: Every Tenth Doctor Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Utopia

Doctor Who The End of Time
BBC Studios

Chan, some people would rank Utopia as a three-parter along with The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords, but the episode is distinct enough to stand on its own, tho. (Okay, we'll stop doing that).

And honestly, it's far superior to the two episodes that followed it.

Not only does Derek Jacobi give one of the finest one-off performances in the show as Professor Yana/the Master, but there's a constant sense of tension and dread throughout.

You know that something isn't quite right here, but you're never sure what - right up until Yana pulls out that fob watch and all the pieces click into place, in one of the most OMG moments Doctor Who has ever delivered.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).