Doctor Who: Every Tenth Doctor Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

34. 42

Doctor Who The End of Time
BBC Studios

To give credit where it's due, 42 does manage to wring a decent amount of tension out of its setup: the crew of a spaceship has 42 minutes to stop their vessel crashing into the sun.

And... that's it. That's where the positives end.

Well, okay, fair enough. That moment where Martha drifts away from the ship, staring at the Doctor through a small window, is nice. As is the idea that they have to answer random pub quiz question to gain access to their engines. But overall, 42 is just incredibly bland.

Its villain is bland, its location is bland, and its supporting cast is bland. It's the very worst thing Doctor Who can be - forgettable. Can you name a single side character in this episode? Can you quote this episode at all? Yeah, probably not.

It doesn't help that 42 aired right before a brilliant run of episodes at the end of Series 3, which only makes it look more inferior in comparison.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).