Doctor Who: Every Title Sequence Ranked From Worst To Best

6. The Second Doctor (1967-1969)

Patrick Troughton's run as The Doctor had a lot to live up to. Not only was recasting The Doctor in the first place a risky (yet genius) move, the production had to remain stellar to keep avid viewers on-board. So, they ramped up the black and white bling on the title sequence. The more complex, symmetrical howlround effect complimented the more layered arrangement of the original theme, and the introduction of Patrick Troughton's visage to the title sequence not only added a new dimension to these stunning effects, it solidified that this was something outright new.

However, the base DNA of the Doctor Who title sequence viewers had come to know and love of the previous four years was still here. It was Doctor Who '2' in many respects. New Doctor, new music, new visuals, but still Doctor Who through and through.

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Doctor Who
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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.