Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

14. Imperial Daleks (First Appearance: 1985)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

The main model of Imperial Daleks was developed by Davros on the planet Necros and were rendered in a stunning white and gold casing. But it wasn't just the exterior that differentiated them from regular Daleks.

These were developed at Tranquil Repose – a funeral facility that purported to keep the rich and famous in suspended animation, but was in fact converting them into Daleks. Some test subjects, including the Sixth Doctor’s friend Arthur Stengos, were so horrified by what they were becoming that they saw death as a preferable fate.

In the end, the Necros Daleks were tracked down by the Renegades – who were loyal to the Supreme Dalek rather than Davros – and were absorbed into their ranks. However, more refined Necros Daleks followed with flatter dome lights, smooth gold slats, and hexagons (rather than ovals) on their midsections.

Doctor Who Remembrance of the Daleks Imperial Dalek
BBC Studios

Officially known as Imperials, these Daleks fought the Renegades on Earth for control of the Hand of Omega – a stellar manipulator created by one of Gallifrey’s founding fathers, which had the ability to create supernovas.

Ultimately the Seventh Doctor allowed them to obtain the Hand, but only because he’d reprogrammed it to destroy Skaro, and the Imperial Daleks were wiped out as a result.

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