Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained
15. Davros (First Appearance: 1975)

Davros, creator of the Daleks, was a Kaled scientist who sought to preserve his race at any cost.
After suffering a near-fatal accident during Skaro's Thousand Year War – the name given to the war between the Kaleds and the Thals – he required the use of a life support chair to sustain him.
This incident changed something in Davros, and he foresaw a time when his fellow Kaleds would mutate and regress, and would also require some sort of machine to survive. To this end, he created the Mark III Travel Machine – or as it's more commonly known, the Dalek casing.
Shortly after the genesis of the Daleks, they turned against Davros, having been programmed to believe that no creature was superior to the Daleks. This kick-started an uneasy relationship between creator and creation that would last centuries, with the Daleks at times opposing Davros and at others coming back to him, relying on his insight to help them survive.
Eventually, Davros began to operate independently – first in the guise of the philanthropic "Great Healer" on the planet Necros, where he oversaw the creation of a new strain of Daleks, and later as a dome-headed Dalek Emperor.
Initially thought to have perished in the first year of the Time War, he escaped and founded the New Dalek Empire, using cells from his own body as the basis for these new Daleks. Defeat at the hands of the Metacrisis Doctor saw him retreat to an infirmary in the rebuilt Dalek City on Skaro, where he employed the snake-like Colony Sarff as his servant.

As a Kaled, Davros has a much more evolved mind than his Dalek creations, which is one of the reasons he's been able to survive, and survive, and survive! He's not without his firepower either – his chair has force fields and is capable of hovering, while his mechanical hand can deliver bolts of electricity.
He was presumed dead following the Dalek City’s destruction, but it wouldn’t exactly be the first time he’s survived.