Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained
12. Time War Daleks (First Appearance: 2005)

Following in the footsteps of the Special Weapons Dalek, the Daleks introduced in the Time War were tougher and more tank-like, boasting robust bronze and gold casings with ridges and bolts galore.
Originally, they were thought to have been wiped out at the war’s end, along with the rest of the Dalek species. However, a single soldier survived and was taken prisoner by American businessman Henry van Statten. Dubbed "Metaltron", this Dalek was revitalised by Rose’s time-traveller DNA, which inadvertently also gave it emotions – and eventually, caused it to self-destruct, due to the belief that these emotions were a sickness.
The rebuilt Dalek armies seen since have, for the most part, retained this standard bronze design – from the Dalek Emperor’s disciples, to Davros’ New Dalek Empire. Time War-style Daleks also populated the Dalek Parliament, and assisted the Spy Master in his "Master’s Dalek Plan".
They're essentially the Daleks' dispensible foot soldiers, and as with the original drones, the majority of them possessed a standard plunger and gunstick, though some did incorporate more bespoke weaponry.

These include the Assault Dalek, which was deployed to cut through a door during the Battle of the GameStation (much to the fright of poor Lynda with a Y), and the Vault Daleks, which flanked Davros on the Crucible and featured a special claw manipulator arm.