Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

11. The Cult Of Skaro (First Appearance: 2006)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

Other Daleks to survive the Time War included the Cult of Skaro, a black ops-style group tasked with finding new ways of killing, and new ways of keeping the Dalek race going.

Uniquely, these Daleks all had names and personalities. Most distinctive was their leader, Dalek Sec, whose all-black casing was reminiscent of the early Supremes. The other three members, Jast, Thay, and Caan, had standard bronze casings, but could nevertheless be told apart by the ID tags just beneath their eyestalks, while later on, Jast briefly sported a syringe attachment instead of the usual plunger.

BBC Studios

The Cult of Skaro spent much of the Time War under the radar, leading many (including the Doctor) to believe they were just a legend. Realising that the Daleks would not win the war, they fled in order to preserve Dalek-kind, using a special ship called The Sphere to access and hide within The Void, the space between universes.

When they eventually re-emerged, they brought with them a Genesis Ark – a stolen Time Lord device holding millions of Daleks that had been imprisoned during the Time War. These Daleks were temporarily unleashed upon modern-day London, but were ultimately sucked back into the Void by the Doctor and Rose.

The Cult of Skaro escaped however, travelling to 1930s New York via an emergency temporal shift. They built a laboratory and attempted to enact their "Final Experiment" – a last-ditch effort to continue the Dalek race.

This backfired massively, leading to the destruction of the Cult of Skaro – minus Dalek Caan. It also led to a completely new way of thinking for the Daleks – at least, temporarily...

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