Doctor Who Flux: 8 Bold Predictions For The Rest Of Series 13

The Weeping Angels might just be Team Doctor this time around...

Doctor Who Series 13 (Flux) Village Of The Angels Weeping Angel

The first few episodes of Doctor Who Flux (or Doctor Who: Series 13, depending on the fan) have been completely and utterly wild. Giant dogs, melting planets, a dying TARDIS, time-keeping gods - it's pure, unabashed Doctor Who craziness.

While certain Chibnall-era problems remain, this is easily the best start to a series Jodie Whittaker has ever had, and assuming that the quality doesn't drop to Tsuranga Conundrum levels of suckiness, she'll get to regenerate on a solid note.

One of the best things about Flux is its serialised format, which is a first for modern Who. With each episode providing answers on certain things, while simultaneously dropping numerous clues about what's to come, this format is a theory-maker's dream, and unsurprisingly, the internet is awash with speculation and predictions about the next few weeks of Flux-y mayhem, leading up to its conclusion.

There are a million different directions the rest of the series could take of course, but because Doctor Who is a bonkers show, we thought it prudent to crack out some appropriately bonkers predictions. Hold onto your fezzes, and let's get wibbly...

8. The Doctor Lets A Weeping Angel Send Her Back In Time

Doctor Who Series 13 (Flux) Village Of The Angels Weeping Angel
BBC Studios

From ranting at the Mouri to yelling at Yaz, the Doctor is desperate to learn more about her mysterious past. Series 12 finale The Timeless Children gave her a big info dump, but there's still loads she doesn't know - mostly pertaining to The Division.

On the plus side, her series arc is clearly building to a big reveal where she'll get those answers, and a certain statuesque villain might just be of aid in that regard.

Other than snapping necks like glowsticks, the Weeping Angels' main method of dispatching their victims is to send them back in time. They can send you back one year, one hundred years, or one thousand years, while also moving you through space - so wouldn't it be interesting if the Doctor decides to use this ability to her advantage, by asking an Angel to send her back into her missing memories?

Again, she's clearly quite desperate for answers, so she would certainly be willing to do something like this. Plus, the TARDIS is in no shape to help (and it would probably be too risky for the Doctor to cross her own timestream in that manner anyway), so the touch of an Angel might be the only solution.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.