Doctor Who: Legend Of The Sea Devils Trailer Breakdown - 13 Things You Must See

1. The Beast Below

Doctor Who Legend of the Sea Devils trailer breakdown
BBC Studios

This is one of the speediest shots in the trailer, only visible for seven or eight frames.

It's likely that this is the same giant creature we discussed earlier (because really, how many eldritch sea monsters does one episode need?), and we're betting that this is where the TARDIS is being violently shaken around, with everyone trapped inside. Myrka's gotta eat.

Alternatively, this could follow on from that shot of the TARDIS on the seabed, with the Doctor inadvertently parking right on top of this beastie's head. After all, the Doctor isn't known for their TARDIS-parking abilities.

Case in point: one of the last times the TARDIS was eaten by a large creature was all the way back in Series 8's Deep Breath, where it was swallowed whole by a T-Rex.

Doctor Who Deep Breath T-Rex TARDIS

In either case, if you actually utilised HADS Doctor, then being eaten by giant monsters just wouldn't be an issue, would it?


Legend of the Sea Devils airs on 17 April 2022. Check out the trailer below!

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Danny has been with WhatCulture for almost nine years, and is currently Doctor Who Editor and WhoCulture Channel Manager, overseeing all of WhatCulture's Whoniverse coverage. He has been writing and video editing for 10+ years, and first got a taste for content creation after making his own Doctor Who trailers and uploading them to YouTube (they're admittedly a bit rusty by today's standards). If you need someone to recite every Doctor Who episode in order or to tell you about the making of 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks, Danny is the person to ask.