Doctor Who: Legend Of The Sea Devils Trailer Breakdown - 13 Things You Must See

10. Return Of The Myrka?

Doctor Who Legend of the Sea Devils trailer breakdown

The sight of this enormous sea monster instantly had Who fans speculating that it could be a returning foe, with much of the online chatter naming the Myrka (that's pronounced "Mur-ka", by the way) as the most likely candidate.

The Myrka - whose appearance in 1984's Warriors of the Deep is its only one to date - was a huge lumbering reptile controlled by the Silurians, the Sea Devils' land-based cousins. So there is a connection there.

To be frank though, the creature in the trailer looks nothing like the Myrka (pictured below), although, at the same time, we don't exactly get a clear shot to go on.

The Myrka Doctor Who

And hey, as mentioned previously, Chibnall has a knack for updating old villains, so perhaps this is a significantly reworked Myrka, a pawn of the Sea Devils that they can summon like the Kraken?

If that is the case, then full credit to Chibnall - it would be pretty ballsy of him to take a villain that's remembered as a laughing stock and give it a modern lick of paint.

The Myrka was one of the many reasons why Michael Grade had Doctor Who cancelled in the '80s, with the former BBC1 controller once appearing on comedy show Room 101, openly mocking that infamous clip of Solow attacking the Myrka with some bizarre karate moves. Hard to disagree with Grade on this one.

Other fans have jokingly mentioned the Loch Ness Monster from classic Who or the sea creature from Thin Ice, and of course, this could just as easily be a new villain created specifically for Legend of the Sea Devils. All we can do is wait and see.

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Danny has been with WhatCulture for almost nine years, and is currently Doctor Who Editor and WhoCulture Channel Manager, overseeing all of WhatCulture's Whoniverse coverage. He has been writing and video editing for 10+ years, and first got a taste for content creation after making his own Doctor Who trailers and uploading them to YouTube (they're admittedly a bit rusty by today's standards). If you need someone to recite every Doctor Who episode in order or to tell you about the making of 1988's Remembrance of the Daleks, Danny is the person to ask.