Doctor Who: Ranking Every Spin-Off From Worst To Best

12. Doctor Who: Dreamland

Doctor Who Scream Of The Shalka

In 2009, the BBC tried again to get people interested in animated Doctor Who with this CGI adventure - originally viewed via the red button but later released on DVD.

First of all, Dreamland's story is slightly stronger than Infinite Quest's as it at least hangs together better - it's also from the pen of recurring Who writer Phil Ford. However, it still sacrifices much of the nuance and wit of the show in exchange for kid-friendly animated hijinks.

The CGI animation is also a noble attempt but, well, it's pretty atrocious. The movement is jerky and the characters' expressions rubbery. Again, it's nice to hear Tennant involved - and this time he is paired up future wife Georgia Moffett - but legendary horror actor David Warner is wasted under a distorted alien voice.

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